Exhibition on the ashes Around - the ashes. Burnt walls up to a brick. The charred boards which are hanging down from ceilings. The property which has turned coals of people Е And only one room - is not touched by a fire. Because in it - pictures from assembly the Museum УEternal Cosmos " by the artist Leonid L. Smirnoff. Space protects the property on our small planet. And any of terrestrial forces is non-comparable to force of Space. Even force of a flaring fire.
Room in street Galernaya When in this apartment there are foreigners, they test inconsistent feelings. First surprise: very few people it was possible to see such slums. Then delight: - Dostoevsky, Bulgakov, Ilf and Petrov! - they with accent repeat difficult surnames of Russian writers. It seemed to them, that such УkommunalkaФ, such slums for a long time send away in the past. And to meet them it is possible only on pages of products of Bulgakov, Dostoevsky, Gorky, Ilf and Petrov Е It appears, not too far it is necessary to go behind exotic. Here, in the geographical center of old city, they will see a slum alive, in all protogenic charm. What it? The empty house before reconstruction? Or alive the past war winters? No. It is the most usual apartment house, the most typical, remained from the Soviet time УkommunalkaФ. And, rather occupied. Having entered into a slum, visitors at once get in huge kitchen where, to pass further, it is necessary to cross through bodies of tenants sleeping on kitchen. This УkommunalkaФ - an area of dwelling of drunks. It to not reach the rooms: where have fallen, there and sleep. But to cross through them it is desirable accurately. No, not from fear them to wake. Them not very much you will wake. More likely, from fear join that has flowed out from under sweet sleeping. Having crossed, visitors get in the long corridor which has been filled up since the last century by stuff. Move cautiously that accidentally to not get under bicycles on which goes for a drive on a corridor neighbour's children. Children drive it is masterly, going round every possible bedside-tables, cases, chests, the old mattresses, laying wheels from a motorcycle, sled, the fishing tackles which have accumulated in a corridor. Going round at the same time and visitors. And all this exotic paradise - in the center of St.-Petersburg, in Russia, on one of the oldest streets of city - in the street Galernaya. But the most interesting - in the end of a corridor, at its deadlock. There the small room is located. Uneasy. In own way magic. As in old fairy tales - it is necessary for the hero to overcome nine seas, nine forests and nine deserts, to win a malicious giant, to outwit the powerful sorcerer, to chop off three heads to a firedrake. And only then to appear before a treasured magic door. There, behind a door, in a small room, something especial. Knowingly with such work reached. The room, trapezoid under the form, has arisen owing to a pier between two houses, arisen in 1901 during major overhaul of the house constructed in 1799. In this ordinary-looking room also there is become owing to the Internet world famous a Museum УEternal Cosmos " by the artist Leonid L. Smirnoff. Will protect Space It already the second fire in the house for last four and a half of a year. The first was on March, 15th, 2004. Two floors have been filled in by foam. On a stretcher bore the swallowed smoke of people. Cats lived in the house - at these animals such property were lost all: they do not escape from danger, they are hammered into any remote corner, being rescued there. But a smoke and carbonic oxide - not a malicious dog, not the street hooligan. It is to a dog or the hooligan not under force to take a cat from shelter. The smoke and carbonic oxide - they get everywhere, even into the most secluded corner inaccessible to dogs, inaccessible for hooligans. From them to not hide, to not be hammered, will get. Cats and cats were lost all. People though have swallowed a smoke, but have survived. Firemen destroyed doors petrol-saws: they are obliged to open all premises, the instruction demands - suddenly behind a door a choking person? The only thing in all house a premise - not filled in by foam, the water, not charred, not crumpled by fire - that, that magic room. Even a door, firemen did not open with the powerful, all-destroying saws. Contrary to the instruction. Similar, firemen have not understood, have not noticed in a smoke, that there, in the end of a corridor, at deadlock, there is a room. They have not noticed also a door have not opened. And behind a door, behind this magic door, - the Museum лEternal Cosmos╗. Such name carries assembly of pictures of Leonid L. Smirnoff, concentrated in it which completely not have been not adapted for pictures a premise. But their author thinks of a premise in last turn. Similar cares can distract from the main thing - from creativity. It is assured, that with pictures nothing can happen. Even if furious hurricane will destroy half-cities, will carry away in a chasm this house in the street Galernaya, all the same the room with pictures any miracle remains on a place. The second fire blazed on September, 18th, 2008. But any more on other floor, and - a number, in the next room. The apartment is transformed into the ashes. And only the fire has not touched one room. A room, where pictures. It is not simple a miracle. It behind a side of miracles. And, similar, it became possible because these pictures - the message from Space. And eternal omnipotent Space will protect, will rescue, will keep, will save up them through any nightmares of an apocalypse. Will save up on this small, remote in perception of Space to a planet unique assembly of painting of the named by Cosmos. Be careful of terrestrial victories On one of pictures from assembly the Museum лEternal Cosmos╗ is read through strange enough plot. In the bottom of a cloth - as though history of mankind. And woods in which our far ancestors jumped on branches, and medieval locks with towers, with narrow windows of loopholes, and modern bulks-skyscrapers. And above all this human history, collected from different centuries, different continents, bears the illusive knight. The fan developed a killing wave of its terrible sword. Contours of its obedient horse born in the night, blackening sky indifferent to all event are hardly outlined by the artist. The horned helmet hides the person, we do not see on the person of emotions. This steel force bears in itself inevitability, inevitability, bears in itself force of destiny. The fan of a sword falls there, on human dwelling, on the fragile, defenceless world of people, powerless before an approaching ruthless impact of a mighty knightly hand. The name of a picture: лBe careful of terrestrial victories╗. When the picture has been finished, its author has received in a slum (in a world famous Museum лEternal Cosmos╗) visitors. Showed also this picture, and much others, combined by accurate numbers in its close room. We shall notice casually, that it has accepted visitors then on August, 28-thth, 2001 Е - What for you prognosis?! - some phone calls from recent visitors later two weeks were distributed at it. That terrible day for all normal people: on 11-th of September Е Skyscrapers in the right bottom corner of a picture have bent, have writhed pending impact, ruthless, breaking. It in a picture. And here it, behind ocean, in the far country in which the artist at all was not never, - impact on skyscrapers. In a reality. The author of a picture has no attitude to an event. To this terrible tragedy of thousand people. But for some reason the situation when pictures speak about event which has not occurred yet, but already exists, repeats in its life. Shortly before a fire in the house Leonid L. Smirnoff has finished a picture under the name лOne of the last Seeing╗. On it - dark brick walls and a window flaring by light. And in a window - a silhouette of the girl. And in a brick wall - any chaotic breaks: as if languages of a flame creep on walls. In the spring of 2003 it has written a picture лAfter a rain╗ where the set of huge mushrooms is represented, and among mushrooms, under their huge hats, the enamoured couple walks: it and it. The artist has finished a picture and Е лprognosis╗ phenomenally mushroom year. In woods of Leningrad region neither up to, nor after 2003 did not see such abundance of mushrooms. Mysterious algorithm Events have not occurred yet, but already exists. While the mankind has not invented devices, the equipment for reading the information from that inexplicable information layer, in which input for the person, and at all the person, similar meanwhile is not guaranteed, solves, whom to admit up to this layer who is not present. Though in contact to this information stream, to this parallel world or (as name it is religious the focused people) with life of the God, each person inevitably enters. During a dream. Through dreams it receives the information. But the information comes in language, which else it is necessary to master, decipher, apprehend! Art, in particular, painting - it also is on crossing of these worlds, these spaces. Therefore frequently people of art are not adapted completely not in society. They as if go woolgathering and live in the to whom not known, Other World. But are helpless before simple terrestrial things. The destiny of our hero has appeared is subordinated to mysterious inexplicable algorithm, to depart from which to it never it was possible. As soon as it tried to achieve something in a life, any small, achievable for many success, it was impossible to it anything. The destiny the foreman on construction, neither a house manager, nor the ensign in army did not shine to it. It - is unattainable for it. But cost to wish something improbable, initially inaccessible Е that is impossible, at it - it will turn out. At school it was numbed mediocre, but it was necessary to rise on the order above - to become the student of university - at university (at faculty to journalism) it was the honours student. Three months has held on in the factory newspaper Е It was necessary to leave this place of work. And in federal central press with success has worked many years. Still the student it has collided with this inexplicable algorithm of the destiny: its material has rejected small regional newspaper, and the central magazine has printed. And, certainly, absolutely incomprehensible Painting Е has by entered into its life Its Majesty To believe in impossible It was not trained in painting neither day, nor hour. Even at school where Leonid studied, drawing to them taught draughtsman. They also drew. Drew only once. A cup. And all. All experience. However, comics it liked to paint, still the preschool child. With painting it was reduced with a case. As well as all most important during its lives, painting has begun for it with Е journalism. Has dropped out to it to write a sketch about the artist. And about the artist to write difficultly: it is necessary to find start point for construction of a subject line, to find any spring of action, to understand much in the person of the hero. Not plots of pictures to retell? So, collecting a material for a sketch, Leonid began to happen in a workshop. And once its hero has given Leonid a paint: - Try! Has given with especially mercenary purpose: that the journalist of minutes has sat forty silently in a corner and did not prevent to finish to it a complex place in a picture. Having finished ётюх■ work, has gone to put a teapot. Passing by above paints of the journalist, has stopped amazed: at once, without preparation, without training, лfrom zero╗, interesting enough plot turned out. The artist has seen an explanation that Leonid constantly collided with creativity: in construction юўхЁъютюую the text the same laws, the same receptions, as in construction of a picturesque cloth operate. Laws of harmony, a composition, sequence of development of a plot. But the artist knew nothing about the mysterious algorithm accompanying all destiny of Leonid L. Smirnoff. At once, лfrom zero╗ to write a picturesque cloth - it is impossible. Means, at Leonid - it will turn out! лTrust in impossible!╗ - and Leonid L. Smirnoff's which are passed in the St.-Petersburg house of the journalist the second personal exhibition referred to. The first exhibition under the name лthe Way to Other╗ took place in gallery "Art-Harbour". It is impossible to resist to algorithm of the destiny. It is better to obey to it and to place of itself in the service. On crossing of spaces - Cosmos - not empty space, - artist Leonid L. Smirnoff, the founder of a museum approves лEternal Cosmos╗. Though it is a lot of millennial earthmen considered Space as a chasm emptiness. - if to argue on Space in parameters of three measurements in space and one measurement in time, certainly, it will be fair to consider as its emptiness, but Е.. Space - is more complex. Astronomers for a long time have noticed, that if to opportunities of a telescope to add different frequencies radiation, in the sky other stars, other worlds "are shown". They not under force to the perception limited by opportunities of a human eye, and without an additional component, without that field through which ёьюЁшЄ a telescope, it does not open for the person. And the artist as though adds and to an eye of the spectator, and to own vision the new component, new measurement, creating new, essentially Other World, essentially new picture of the Universe, meanwhile for the person incomprehensible. In all three books written by Leonid L. Smirnoff, it wrote about this mysterious, about this inexplicable, about this mysterious phenomenon - about realization of algorithm of superopportunities. A lot of examples is resulted in these books, some kind of books-researches, about finding by people of special conditions. Those conditions in which that is considered inaccessible is achievable. Painting for Leonid as it considers, first of all - an illustration, the proof of those ideas which it has stated in books лthe Son of the Sky╗, лthe Following Stage╗, лSecret strings of terrestrial power╗. Probably, its works could take a place in the most prestigious world assemblies of painting. But not it for it is important. The most important, the most invaluable, the most unique still have for it that condition into which it entered which finds when creates the pictures. And there will be it a place in the Louvre, in the Hermitage, in a royal palace, in a municipal slum or in a country log hut is any more so important. It finely, it is frivolous, it is insignificant before that huge problem, before that incomprehensible Contact, before that huge Essence, the channel of the Input in which are its pictures. Window in the Universe For some reason on this small planet which has got lost on surburb of the Universe in one provincial galaxies, Space that is to people, chooses such places. Penthouses, УkommunalkaФ, cellars. Slums, in a word. For High Spirit there is no problem to step through the drunk sleeping on kitchen, not join over that from under it has flowed out. It is not terrible for High Spirit and attack to children's bicycles in a corridor. It gets on only It to conducted channels there where are ready to hear It. Are ready to see It. To accept. To apprehend. It selects, to whom to be. It also is in reply to the messages received with this small, remote in measurements of Space, but such fine planet by name the Earth. And It has already accepted messages in the form of pictures. In the visitors' book on one of Leonid L. Smirnoff's exhibitions there was a strange record. In total from four words: лThis is - Witness Art╗. All three words have been written from capital letters. What did the author of these words mean? Similar, it also has told about it: is not present in pictures of professionalism, there is no perfected skill. But there is This Contact. This inexplicable, unknown, unattainable Contact to Space, which itself selects, to whom appear. - Here be here the Lord the God, - Leonid has assumed in our conversation, - and offer It an exchange: I give you separate own house and a heap of money. But in exchange I shall take away here it Е - Leonid has led a head, showing, that under лhere it╗ pictures mean. And, not simply pictures will be taken away, Leonid will leave pictures easily enough, and the opportunity them will be taken away to create. - thanks for the generous offer! Take away everything, but лhere it╗ I ask to leave Е Certainly, Leonid not against comfort, not against a normal workshop. But! It is not necessary to forget about mysterious algorithm of its destiny. That is achievable for many, - is unattainable for it. It will act in another way. When the success will come (and to Leonid it necessarily, by all means, will inevitably come!), the artist will pull out from УkommunalkaФ ten families of the Petersburg intelligency. And at the same time and. It - is improbable. Means at it - it will turn out! P.S. A site of the Museum лEternal Cosmos╗: